Workshop with
Ann Larsen
from your photographic References
Feb 20, 2025 - Feb 22, 2025
9 - 4pm
Location: Studio
(50% deposit required to register)
As plein air painters, sometimes we must use photographs to develop our paintings. We just can't always be in a location where we want to be due to traffic, weather or other hazards. So, we snap a photo and intend to use it to develop a painting. Unfortunately, when we get back to our studios those photos look less like what drew our attention in the first place. So, how do we use that information to create a work of art, and not just copy the photographs?
This workshop will help you create paintings from your photo references without just copying the image. We will explore the use of sketches to develop a composition, learn how to determine the correct values and colors and how to translate that all into a painting. Photographs give us information that isn't necessary true. Knowing how to interpret that information and use it correctly will be the focus of the 3-day workshop.
As artists we are creating works of art rather than just rending what is in front of us. Hopefully, by the end of the workshop you will have a clearer understanding of how to make those works of art from the use of your photographs.
Afterall, seeing like an artist is what it is all about!
Ann larsen
museum exhibition:
Salmagundi Club, NYC, All About Winter, 2022
California Art Club 111th Gold Medal Exhibition, Bowers Museum, Santa Ana, CA 2022
Solo Exhibition, VIEW Center for the Arts, Old Forge, NY 2022
Steamboat Art Museum, Steamboat Springs, CO, American Women Artists Rockwell Museum, Perspectives of the American Experience, American Women Artists, Corning, NY 2018
Events and Awards Solo Exhibit, Eden Compton Studio & Gallery, Saratoga Springs, NY 2022